In the early 1990s, when the Republic of Latvia regained the status of an independent state, it was necessary to adhere to the basic principles of democracy in the field of electronic media, establishing a public broadcasting system, as well as creating favourable conditions for the development of private broadcasting organizations.

Before the establishment of the National Radio and Television Council, the Latvian Radio and Television Council operated in Latvia, in accordance with the regulations approved by the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Latvia (1992-1995). The Chairman of the Council was Z. Skujiņš, and the Deputy Chairman - K. Vahšteins. During this time the law "On Radio and Television", adopted by the Supreme Council of the Republic of Latvia on May 6, 1992, was in force. 

On 24 August 1995, the parliament adopted the Radio and Television Law, which creates the procedure for establishing, registering, operating and supervising electronic mass media. Supervisory functions were entrusted to the National Radio and Television Council, which was established on 28 September 1995.

In the first years of its operation, the Council began active work on regulating the electronic media sector, monitoring that broadcasting organizations comply with the Constitution, the Radio and Television Law and other laws in their operations, and controlling that freedom of expression and information is ensured.

On 12 July 2010, the parliament adopted the Electronic Mass Media Law, which further determined the procedure and rules for the operation of electronic mass media under the jurisdiction of Latvia. The control over compliance with this law was entrusted to the National Electronic Mass Media Council of Latvia (NEPLP), which is the successor to the rights and obligations of the National Radio and Television Council.

Name Surname

Term 1 (year)

Term 2 (year)

Aivars Berķis  1995. - 1999.  2003. - 2007.
Rihards Pīks 1995. - 1996.   
Velta Puriņa 1995. - 1996.   
Romāns Pussars 1995. - 1997.   
Ojārs Rubenis 1995. - 1999.  1999. - 2003.
Antons Seiksts 1995. - 1995.   
Helmī Stalte  1995. - 1999.   
Rolands Tjarve  1995. - 1998.   
Jānis Motivāns 1996. - 1997.   
Juris Putriņš 1996. - 1999.   
Ansis Epners  1996. - 1997.   
Mariss Andersons 1997. - 1999.   
Oļģerts Persijs Dzenītis 1997. - 2001.  2001. - 2005.
Baldurs Apinis 1997. - 2001.   
Ilmārs Šlāpins 1999. - 2003.   
Everita Dāve  1999. - 2003.   
Imants Rākins  1999. - 2003. 2003. - 2005. 
Jānis Sīkstulis  1999. - 2003.  
Dainis Stalts 1999. - 2001.  
Ilze Pētersone 2001. - 2003.  
Andris Mellakauls 2001. - 2005. 2005. - 2009.
Pēteris Bankovskis 2003. - 2004.  
Aida Prēdele 2003. - 2007.  
Imants Skrastiņš 2003. - 2007. 2007. - 2012.
Una Ulme-Sila  2003. - 2007.  
Ingrīda Brigita Stroda 2004. - 2007. 2007. - 2012.
Dzintra Geka 2005. - 2007. 2007. - 2012.
Andris Jakubāns 2005. - 2008.  
Dārija Juškeviča  2005. - 2009.  
Dace Buceniece 2007. - 2012.  
Sergejs Kārītis 2007. - 2012.  
Ābrams Kleckins 2007. - 2012.  
Ainārs Dimants  2012. - 18.07.2015. (removed from office) 23.12.2015. (reinstated) - 2017.
Aija Dulevska 2012. - 2017.  
Gints Grūbe 02.02.2012. - 23.04.2015. (resigned)  
Dainis Mjartāns 2012. - 2017.  
Ivars Zviedris  2012. - 2017.  
Dace Ķezbere  1997. - 2005. 18.06.2015. - 15.12.2019. (resigned)
Ivars Āboliņš 2017. - 2022. 2022. - currently
Patriks Grīva 2017. - 2022.  
Gunta Līdaka 1995. - 1997. 2017.gads - 02.05.2019. (resigned)
Aurēlija Ieva Druviete 2017. - 2022. 2022. - currently
Ieva Kalderauska  2020. - 2025. 2025.currently
Jānis Eglītis  2020. - 19.08.2021. (resigned)  
Ilva Milzarāja 2022. - currently  
Andis Plakans 2022. - currently