National Electronic Mass Media Council of Latvia
National Electronic Mass Media Council of Latvia (NEPLP) is an independent, autonomous institution that represents the public interest in the field of electronic mass media. NEPLP supervises the compliance of the operations of electronic mass media with the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, Electronic mass media law and other relevant legislation. NEPLP is a derived public entity.
NEPLP operates in accordance with the requirements of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, the Electronic Mass Media Law and other regulatory acts.
The funding necessary for the performance of the functions of the NEPLP is allocated from the state budget. The budget requests cannot be amended without coordination with NEPLP until the draft budget law is submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers.
The formation process of NEPLP
The NEPLP consists of five members elected by the parliament (Saeima). The procedure for electing the members is determined by the parliament's Rules of Procedure.
The candidates for NEPLP members are nominated by the parliament’s Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee, in consultation with associations and foundations operating in the fields of electronic mass media, education, culture, science and human rights.
A candidate for a member of the NEPLP may be a Latvian citizen who has permanent residence in Latvia, has higher education, at least five years of professional or academic experience in the field of electronic mass media, education, culture, science or human rights, and a good reputation.
A member of the NEPLP may not be:
- an official of a political party or an association of political parties;
- an owner of capital shares (stocks) of an electronic mass media outlet;
- a person convicted of an intentional crime if he or she has not been rehabilitated or the conviction has not been expunged or removed.
Working at the NEPLP is the main job of a member. NEPLP members are subject to the restrictions and prohibitions provided for public officials in the Law “On Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Activities of Public Officials”.
The members of NEPLP shall be elected for a term of five years. Members may be re-elected, but not more than twice in a row.
A secretariat shall be established to ensure the functioning of NEPLP.
Organisation of the Work of NEPLP
National Electronic Mass Media Council of Latvia (hereinafter– NEPLP) shall formulate and approve its own internal operating procedures.
NEPLP meetings shall take place not less than once per month. Information regarding the convening of meetings and their agendas shall be accessible. Extraordinary meetings, if requested by at least three members of the Council, shall be called within the day.
NEPLP is quorate if more than half of the members participate in the meeting.
Minutes shall be taken of the meetings of the NEPLP. The minutes shall be signed by the chairperson of the meeting and the person responsible for the minutes of the meeting.